Sebastian Mühl is a researcher, artist and curator. He holds a PhD in art and media studies from Offenbach University of Art and Design and a Meisterschüler degree from the Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig. His monograph „Utopien der Gegenwartskunst. Geschichte und Kritik des utopischen Denkens in der Kunst nach 1989“ was published with transcript in 2020. The book is an aesthetic and political critique of utopian thought in contemporary art after 1990. Mühls artistic and curatorial works focus on the heritage of the historical avant-garde and the politico-aesthetic projects of modernity. Sebastian was Senior Scientist at the Institute for Cultural Analysis at Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt und currently works as Digital Curator at the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden. Further information: www.sebastianmuehl.info