Toni Hildebrandt is Advanced Postdoc and Coordinator of the SNSF Sinergia „Mediating the Ecological Imperative“ (www.ecological-imperative.ch). After receiving his PhD in Art History at the University of Basel (NCCR „eikones“) in 2014, for which he received the „Wolfgang-Ratjen award“, he has been working at the Department of Modern and Contemporary Art History at University of Bern since 2014. He was a guest lecturer at University of Basel, the University of the Arts in Bern, the FHNW Academy of Art and Design in Basel and New York University, and he held fellowships at the Istituto Svizzero in Rome (2013-2017), the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte in Munich (2019) and the Walter Benjamin Kolleg (2020/21) at University of Bern. He most recently published the article „Post-Apocalyptic Amazement: Aesthetics and Historical Consciousness in the Natural Contract“ as the first special issue of „Technophany – a Journal for Philosophy and Technology“ (http://journal.philosophyandtechnology.network) and is currently working on his second book „(Post-)apocalyptic Imaginations. Representations of Nuclear Catastrophes in Art and Film since 1945“.