Emmanuel Alloa & Chiara Cappelletto (eds.) Dynamis of the Image. Moving Images in a Global World, Berlin/New York: De Gruyter 2020 / Coédition Paris, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, collection “Contact Zones”, 2020. EAN13 : 9783110530544.
Images are not neutral conveyors of messages shipped around the globe to achieve globalized spectatorship. They are powerful forces that elicit very diverse responses and can resist new visual hegemonies of our global world. Bringing together case studies from the field of media, art, politics, religion, anthropology and science, this volume breaks new ground by reflecting on the very power of images beyond their medial exploitation.
The contributions testify that globalization does not necessarily equal homogenization, and that images can open up alternative ways of picturing what is to come.
Emmanuel Alloa and Chiara Cappelletto
The Dynamis of the Image (and the Genesis of a Book) 1
Gil Bartholeyns
On the ‘Virtus’ of Images. Medieval Practices, Contemporary Theories 15
Ticio Escobar
Ta’angá verá. The Power of Images in an Amerindian Perspective 37
Hans Belting
The Migration of Images. An Encounter with Figuration in Islamic Art 63
Linda Báez-Rubí
Wanderstrassen. Traveling Images — Moving Ideas Between Continents 79
W.J.T. Mitchell
Method, Madness, and Montage 103
Philippe-Alain Michaud
On Screen 123
Images at War, Images of Wars
Georges Didi-Huberman
Torrents and Barricades 141
Emmanuel Alloa
‘Just Terror’. The Visual Communication of ISIS 159
Susan Buck-Morss
Visual Empire 2.0 175
Chiara Cappelletto
The Dynamis of Fiction in the Globalized World. On Walid Raad’s Images in Transfer 201
Angela Mengoni
Visualizing Autoimmunity. Gerhard Richter’s War Cut 235
Decentering Visual Studies
Sunil Manghani
Image Degree Zero. From the Empirical Image to Image as Capacity 263
A. S. Aurora Hoel
Images as Active Powers for Reality. A Simondonian Approach to Medical Imaging 287
Morad Montazami
From Speculative to Heretical Orientalism. The Paul Klee Syndrome in the Hamed Abdalla Archives 311
Avinoam Shalem
The Transformative Museum. Why We Need an Other Museum for the Arts of Islam 329
Authors 353
Picture Credits 359
Plates 363