Workshop: Aesthetics & Critique IV (18th-19th November, 2021)

Contemporaneity / Zeitgenossenschaft / Le contemporain University of Fribourg / FriArt Kunsthalle Organisation: Prof. Emmanuel Alloa, Arianna Sforzini & Christoph Haffter Schedule: 18.11.21 FRI ART, Fribourg Petites-Rames 22 14h-18h CONTEMPORANEITIES OF ART Jacob Lund (Aarhus University) Peter Osborne (Kingston University London) Ludger Schwarte (Kunstakademie Düsseldorf) 19.11.21 Uni Fribourg, Pérolles Room G230 9h-12h HANNAH ARENDT CONTEMPORARY … Read moreWorkshop: Aesthetics & Critique IV (18th-19th November, 2021)