We consider it an important matter that students on the autistic spectrum realise that they are not alone or isolated. Thank you, Alonso, for sharing your experience with us.

We consider it an important matter that students on the autistic spectrum realise that they are not alone or isolated. Thank you, Alonso, for sharing your experience with us.
Before university
Before enrolling at university, my fears revolved around the process of applying to a University. I was very afraid to do any kind of mistake as I feared it would impact me in a way I could not foresee.
When I started studying at university, lectures had significantly more students than I had seen before. I also found the speed at which some professors give their lectures to be significantly faster than I was used to.
During my studies at the Fribourg University
I understand the word “academic freedom” as the ability to pursue my studies in a way that I see fit.
I find it challenging to decide when to start doing my studies. Once I’ve started, I have no problem, but the beginning phase is very difficult.
I’ve found writing my tasks into a calendar makes it slightly easier to concentrate, as it gives me an idea of where to start.
I am currently still uncertain in how to go on about finding answers when a question is not clear to me
I have made a few new friends during my studies.
I was approached by them and we continued to talk after the lectures, and then we exchanged contact.
I am not part of any club or specific group.
I have not gone out once with my course colleagues outside of class hours.
During my first lectures, I found it very uncomfortable how close I was to other students that I didn’t know. However, after a few weeks and making some friends this feeling of discomfort around other students lessened.
If there was a possibility to be supported by a neurotypical peer during my studies, I would maybe accept this support, depending on what this kind of support would entail.
I have only talked about my autism with the studies advisor.
I do not have any place to be during off class times.
After university
I am still not sure what I wish to do after graduation.
At this very moment, I am uncertain how the university is helping me in the aspect of helping me to prepare for the professional world
If I had to explain the university of Fribourg to a new student on the autism spectrum, I would say that it is much more fast paced, but it has the potential of being a meaningful experience.
About the author
Interview made and edited by Nathalie Quartenoud ©