
Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Dr. med. habil. Martina King
University of Fribourg (CH)
Medical Humanities

Prof. Dr. Benjamin Specht
Senior Researcher
University of Fribourg (CH)
Medical Humanities

Dr. med. cand. phil. Mona Baie
Doctoral Student
University of Fribourg (CH)
Medical Humanities

Anna-Marie Joos
Research Assistant
University of Fribourg (CH)

PD Dr. phil. Matthias Aumüller
Associate and consultant collaborator, Senior Researcher 2023-2024
University of Fribourg (CH)

PD Dr. phil. Katrin Dennerlein
Associate and consultant collaborator
Prof Dr phil habil Dr med habil Martina King
― Biography
Since 2018 Full Professor in Medical Humanities (70%) at Fribourg University, since 2019 twofold cooptation in the Philosophical Faculty at Fribourg: Department of German Studies and Department of Contemporary History
2016-2018 Part time lecturer, Institute for History of Medicine, Berne University
2016 ‘Habilitation’ at Berne University in both Modern German Literature and the History of Medicine; title: “Das Mikrobielle in der Literatur und Kultur der Moderne. Zur Wissensgeschichte eines ephemeren Gegenstandes 1880–1930 (Berlin 2021)
2014-2016 Postdoc assistant, Institute for German Studies, Innsbruck University
2011-2014 Postdoc assistant (DFG scholarship), Institute for German studies, Berne University
2010-2011 Lecturer in Medical Humanities, Glasgow University
2008 PhD in Modern German Literature, title: “Pilger und Prophet. Heilige Autorschaft bei Rainer Maria Rilke” (Goettingen 2009); part time lecturer in German studies at the universities of Munich, Goettingen, and Durham UK
1993-2010 Pediatric assistant doctor / pediatric registrar at TU Munich studies of Modern German Literature and Philosophy at the universities of Munich and Goettingen
Since 2021 Co-editor of the journal KulturPoetik
Since 2021 Co-editor of the series ‘Medical Humanities’ (Schwabe)
― Research interests
Medicine and literature (genre and media history, narrative forms)
Literature 19th and early 19th century
Narratology of space
History and epistemology of the medical discharge report
Travel literature around 1830
Cultural history of epidemics, infection and vaccines
History of medicine and the life sciences 18th-20th century
Theory and history of authorship
Prof Dr phil Benjamin Specht
― Biography
Since 2024 Senior researcher, SNSF project “Medical Spaces in Literary Prose of the Long 20th Century”, Fribourg University (Prof. Martina King)
2023 Honorary Professor at the Chair of Modern German Literature (Comparative Focus), University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
Since 2020 Research associate at the Chair of Medical Humanities, Fribourg University
2015 ‘Habilitation‘ in Modern German Literature at Stuttgart University
2012/13 Interim Professor of Modern German Literature / Media Studies at Saarland University, Saarbrücken
Since 2012 Co-editor of the journal KulturPoetik
2009-2016 Junior Professor of Modern German Literature, Institute of Literary Studies, Stuttgart University
2009 Research associate, German Studies, Saarland University, Saarbrücken
2008 PhD, Leipzig University
2008/09 Editor for international literature at Suhrkamp Insel Verlag, Frankfurt am Main
2007/08 Research assistant at the Taylor Chair of the German Language and Literature, University of Oxford
2005-2007 Doctoral coursework, German Studies, Leipzig University
1998-2004 Studies (Magister Artium) in German Studies, Sinology and Philosophy in Marburg, Shanghai and Leipzig
― Research interests
Literary history of the 18th to early 20th century, especially Romanticism and early Modernism
Literature and the history of science in the 18th and 19th centuries
Theory and history of metaphor, medical metaphors
Concepts and practices of authorship
Intersections between literary studies and linguistics
Pop culture in various media
Dr med cand phil Mona Baie
― Biography
Since 06/2023: Research associate, SNSF project “Medical Spaces in Literary Prose of the Long 20th Century” (Prof. Martina King)
Since 02/2023: PhD student in Comparative Literature at the University of Fribourg, doctoral coursework in General and Comparative Literature; PhD project: “The Hospital Narratives: Telling Clinical Spaces in German and English Pathographies of the 20th and 21st Centuries”
10/2021 to 02/2023: Lecturer at the Universities of Heidelberg, Fribourg, and Berne; freelance research associate at the Chair of Medical Humanities, Fribourg University
10/2020 to 10/2021: M.A., Health Humanities, University College London (UK)
2015 to 2020: MD Dissertation (Dr. med.), Institute of the History of Medicine and Ethics in Medicine, University of Heidelberg; title: “The healthiest way of being ill…”? Sprache und Krankheitsmetaphern in dem Nachrichtenmagazin DER SPIEGEL und autobiographischer Literatur über Krebserkrankungen 1973–2013 (Betreuerin: Prof. Dr. Maike Rotzoll)
2012 to 2019: MD, University of Heidelberg
― Research interests
Medical humanities and spatial studies
German and English literature of the 20th- and 21st centuries
History of medicine and the hospital 19th-21st century
Illness metaphors
Medical didactics
Anna-Marie Joos
― Biography
Since 06/2023: Research assistant, SNSF project “Medical Spaces in Literary Prose of the Long 20th Century” (Prof. Martina King)
Since 02/2023: M.A., Language and Literature (Comparative Literature and French Studies), University of Fribourg
07/2022: B.A. (Romance Studies: French and German), title of B.A. dissertation: “Besetzt, ausgesaugt und verdrängt: Die kollektive Erinnerung an den Algerienkrieg unter der Imperialmacht Frankreichs. Eine Analyse der Entwicklung des kulturellen Gedenkens in Frankreich an die Harki-Opfer des Algerienkriegs am Beispiel des Quai Branly” (supervisor: Prof. Daniel Winkler), University of Heidelberg
― Research interests
Cultural Studies, Romance Studies: Collective memory and places of remembrance
German Studies: Literature of the 19th and early 20th century
PD Dr phil Matthias Aumüller
― Biography
2023: Senior researcher, SNSF project “Medical Spaces in Literary Prose of the Long 20th Century”, Fribourg University (Prof. Martina King)
2021-2022: Research associate, Institute for Modern German Studies and Media Studies, University of Kiel for Modern German Studies and Media Studies, University of Kiel
2017-2020: Senior researcher, SNSF project “Literaturgeschichte, Interpretationstheorie und Narratologie. Über ihr Zusammenwirken am Beispiel des unzuverlässigen Erzählens im deutschsprachigen Nachkriegsroman”, University of Fribourg (Prof. Tom Kindt)
2014-2017: Lecturer at the Universities of Regensburg, Würzburg and Wuppertal
2014: Interim Professor, Institute for German Studies, University of Jena
- April 2013: ‘Habilitation’ (Modern German and Comparative Literature), University of Wuppertal
2006-2013: Research associate, German Studies, University of Wuppertal
- Mai 2005: PhD (East Slavic Studies), University of Hamburg.
2001-2006: Research associate, Research Group Narratology/University of Hamburg
- 21. April 1998: Magister Artium (Philosophy), University of Hamburg
1992-1998: Studies of Philosophy, Slavic Studies, Psychology, and Media Studies, Universities of Marburg and Hamburg Marburg and Hamburg
― Research interests
German and Russian Literature, especially GDR Literature
Literary theory and its history, especially Russian Formalism and its prehistory
Unreliable narration
Chess in literature