Publications in process

We are continuously working on publications aiming at understanding the role and forms of political opposition in different post-communist regimes. Here you can find the projects we are currently preparing for publication. 

Die politischen Systeme im östlichen Europa

Dr. Magdalena Solska und Mélody Gugelmann (M.A.) verfassen die Kapitel «Estland» und «Litauen» in der neuen Ausgabe des Lehrbuchs für Politikwissenschaft: Die politischen Systeme im stlichen Europa. Institutionen, Akteure, Prozesse

In Kooperation mit Europa-Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder)

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How the Weakness of Opposition Parties Contributes to Democratic Backsliding

Why have opposition parties failed to act as effective safeguards against democratic backsliding in Poland and Hungary? Backsliding appears as a gradual process that leads to a decline in democratic quality. With time, it can also reduce the power of domestic actors to hold a government accountable.

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Rule-of-law crisis in Poland

Why has Poland been stuck in the apparent crisis of the rule of law since 2016, even though its resolution is actually in the interest of every involved actor? The contested judicial reform has been introduced by the PiS-led government without any thorough consultations, nor a proper diagnosis of the real problems of the judicial system. 

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