Research Projects
Requesting in hospital nurses' unscheduled interprofessional interactions
Swiss National Science Foundation grant no 100017_18512/1, 2019-2024
The GRIPS research group focuses on the concrete organization of social interaction and practices in informal and institutional settings (clinical, technological, judicial and educational sector as well as the media). Our studies rely primarily on ethnographic (on-site observation) and ethnomethodological approaches (conversation analysis and multimodal analysis) as well as on audiovisual recordings of the studied interactions and the analysis of documents. The goal is to examine how participants combine talk and bodily conduct, organize their activities and shape the practical structures (like identities and relationships) of the social world.
Le groupe de recherche GRIPS travaille sur l'organisation d'interactions et de pratiques sociales dans une diversité de contextes informels et institutionnels (secteur clinique, médiatique, technologique, éducatif, judiciaire, etc.). Nos recherches mobilisent principalement des approches ethnographiques (observations sur place) et ethnométhodologiques (analyse de conversation et analyse multimodale), ainsi que des enregistrements audiovisuels et l'analyse de documents. Le but est d'examiner la manière dont les participant·e·s communiquent ensemble, produisent des actions et donnent forme à leurs identités et relations, reconduisant et renouvelant ainsi le social.