
Situated Practices Seminars

The Situated Practices Seminars contribute to, and explore the interest of a ‘practical turn' in the study of social phenomena. They successively treat different settings in which social activities take place, through ethnographic and video-supported sociological enquiries. They focused on the situated character of practical activities, as achieved and oriented to by their participants. Open to a general academic audience, the Seminars bring together a number of leading experts for in-depth presentations followed by critical discussion.

SPSS 2021: Work and interaction in nursing

SPSS 2009: Doing politics/Acting politically

SPSS 2007: Scientific practice as ordinary action

Past Events


"Ethnomethodology and conversation analysis workshop", Department of social sciences, University of Fribourg, February 22, 2018.Download Program

"Ethique et recherche qualitative en sciences sociales", Festival suisse des méthodes qualitatives, Swiss Centre of Expertise in the Social Sciences, University of Lausanne, September 14-15, 2017.

Workshop "Situated practices in educational settings", Research Committee "Sociology of Education", Swiss Sociological Association Conference, June 22, 2017, University of Zürich.

Symposium "Analyse conversationnelle de sequences d'instruction: description de pratiques et outil de formation", Colloquium of the Conseil académique des hautes écoles romandes en charge de la formation des enseignant-e-s, April 28, 2017, Haute école pédagogique de Fribourg.

Swiss Methods Festival guest session "Longitudinal studies in conversation analysis", Economic and Social Research Council Research Methods Festival, St. Catherine's College, Oxford, July 8, 2014.

Seminar "Clinical communication in health care settings", Haute école de santé Vaud, Lausanne, March 19-20, 2014.

IC-You seminar "Insertion professionnelle des jeunes", Haute école de santé Arc-Neuchâtel, October 21, 2013.

Panel "Interpretative perspectives on inequality and integration", Swiss Sociological Association Conference, Bern, June 27, 2013.

Doctoral seminar "Video based field studies". Prof. Christian Heath (King's College, London). Pro*Doc graduate school "Adaptivity in communication and health", University of Fribourg, February 15-17, 2012. Download Program

Doctoral seminar "Conversation analysis of medical interactions". Prof. Tanya Stivers (UCLA). Pro*Doc graduate school "Adaptivity in communication and health", University of Lugano, December 8-10, 2011. Download Program

International Institute for Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis Conference, University of Fribourg, July 11-14, 2011.Download program

Doctoral seminar "Débouchés et carrières professionnels hors du monde académique", Programme Doctoral Romand en Sociologie, Fribourg, February 25, 2011. Download Program

Panel "Police talk", International Conference on Conversation Analysis (ICCA2010), University of Mannheim, July 5, 2010.

Panel "Social identity as a situated production. Praxeological approaches", Swiss Sociological Association Conference, Geneva, September 8, 2009. Download Program

Doctoral seminar "Observer l'action. Données audiovisuelles et analyse sociologique", Programme doctoral romand en sociologie, Morat, February 12-13, 2009. Download Program

Colloquium "Autour du travail d'Aaron Cicourel", University of Fribourg, November 14, 2007. Download Program


Talks and Documentaries Series "Regards sur le social"

Le politique en action, Département des sciences de la société, University of Fribourg, 2008-2009. Download Program

Jeunes et espace public, Département des sciences de la société, University of Fribourg, 2007-2008. Download Program