
A caregiver is a person who supports a loved one whose health and/or autonomy is impaired. She or he provides non-professional support, up close or from afar, regularly or infrequently, to help them in their daily life and ensure their safety.

This may be a family member, a partner, a neighbour or even a friend. In the eyes of the law nonetheless, to benefit from paid leave, the supported person must be a family member of the caregiver.

Through the support they are given, the supported person maintains social contact with their friends and family. They are also assisted in organising their day-to-day life, to make certain trips or do their shopping; the caregiver sometimes also manages the administration and finance of the supported person, or helps them carry out physical exercises or therapies on a daily basis.

Where and who to contact: information by canton


Being a caregiver is to dedicate your time and energy to help, care, accompany and support a person who health and/or autonomy is impaired.