Caregivers' financial assistance

The new federal law on "improving the reconciliation of work and caring for close relatives" introduced a set of measures that took effect on 1 January 2021, while a second set of measures took effect on 1 July 2021. Here are the measures concerning the financial assistance granted.

Care credits (AVS)

From 1 January, the right to care credits (AVS) is extended:

  • Caregivers may also benefit from this credit if the person needing care benefits from a minor disability allowance. Up until now, only the close relatives of a person with minor or serious disability allowance could benefit.
  • The new law also allows cohabitees to benefits, provided that they have lived with the person supported for at least five years.

Disability allowance and intensive care supplement for children

From 1 January 2021, disability allowance and intensive care supplement is now also paid when the child is in hospital.

Previously, this assistance was suspended on the first day of hospitalisation. After one month of hospitalisation, this allowance continues to be paid if the hospital declares that the presence of one or both parents remains necessary and indispensible.