Emergency childcare
Emergency childcare facilities exist if your usual childcare solution is unavailable and you are unable to look after your child/ren yourself.
Chaperon Rouge (Little Red Riding Hood)
For employees living outside of the canton of Fribourg, the cantonal Swiss Red Cross associations concerned are responsible for providing the same service under the same terms, subject to the specific features of each service. The Chaperon Rouge Fribourg covers the financing of this service.
This service does not limit the right to childcare to a sick child but offers an additional solution. As a reminder, state employees may take up to 5 days of leave per calendar year to look after their sick child or organise care for them, upon presentation of a medical certificate declaring that the child must be cared for at home (see leave granted).
For students, this is a paying service, from CHF 5 to CHF 25 per hour, depending on income.
Swiss Red Cross (CRS)
The Swiss Red Cross (CRS) offers a special home-based childcare service in emergency cases, for example, in the case of sick children or children with health problems, or whose usual care solution is exceptionally not available. The CRS also helps you if you yourself are ill or have suffered an accident and cannot look after your child/ren by yourself. The price varies according to the income of the parent(s). Depending on the canton, several options are available from the CRS.
In Fribourg, there are many offers of help, not only relating to childcare, but also:
a telephone hotline and advice at home service,
a visiting and support service for people living alone,
a transport service for people with reduced mobility, etc.