Absence and family commitments



Family commitments, pregnancy: in general, for less than 3 days' absence, a medical declaration of pregnancy may be presented to the department secretary’s office, or the lecturer concerned. In all cases of more than 3 days, a medical certificate is mandatory.

Classes with attendance checks: active attendance is an integral part of the overall grade. Due to this, a limited number of absences is permitted. This applies in particular in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities as well the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences and Management.


Important: speak sufficiently early to the dean of your faculty to clarify your questions. Be sure to ask for written confirmation to individual solutions or to have them confirmed in an email summarising these solutions.





If you are temporarily prevented from attending classes due to problems related to your pregnancy, the medical declaration of pregnancy is a valid excuse for short absences (less than three days) for classes with attendance checks. A copy of this declaration must be given to the department secretary's office or the lecturer concerned.

For longer absences (more than 3 days), you must submit a medical certificate. Similarly, if you cannot attend an exam for health reasons, you must submit a medical certificate. The pregnancy declaration is insufficient.

If important exams take place during your pregnancy or shortly before the due date, you can decide to delay the exams or otherwise, particularly in view of the limitation of the number of terms for classes at Bachelor's and sometimes Master's level. In view of this, please refer to your faculty's rules as well as your study programme.

University rules

Sick child


If no one can look after your sick child, the following emergency rule applies: a medical certificate declaring that your child is sick must be presented. Only a medical certificate can excuse your absence at an exam. This rule applies to all faculties.


Leave, extension, part-time study


Any request for leave, including maternity or paternity leave, must be made to the admissions and enrolment department.


Depending on the faculty, you can ask for an extension to the duration of your studies. It must be adjusted depending on your study programme.

Part-time study allows the load to be reduced by dividing the work over a longer period. The total authorised duration of studies varies nonetheless from one faculty to another.

Specific conditions by faculty