Family Allowances
As parents, what are you entitled to and when? Below, please find information on each type of allowance in Switzerland.
Birth or adoption allowance
What is it?
- Cantonal family allowances in the form of a single payment, granted in some cantons only (in 2021: LU, UR, FR, VD, VS, NE, GE, JU; for the canton of SZ: birth allowance only).
- In the canton of Fribourg, the amount is CHF 1500 in 2021, for both the birth allowance and the adoption allowance.
- The allowance is doubled in the case of multiple births.
How is the allowance paid?
- At the same time as child benefit.
- In the canton of Fribourg: for each child born in Switzerland, at a minimum of after 23 weeks of pregnancy; respectively for each minor child placed for adoption within the meaning of the Swiss Civil Code (the adoption of the child of a spouse or a registered partner does not lead to entitlement to an adoption allowance).
- For the canton of Fribourg: the applicant must be covered by the Fribourg family allowance scheme.
- For employees, through the employer, generally at the same time as the application for child benefit.
- Contracts at the University of Fribourg: apply to the personnel department via myunifr.
- Grant recipients: apply to the FNS or the institution concerned.
- In all other cases, the application must be made directly to the compensation fund you are a member of (generally, the fund covering your tax address).
Child benefit
What is it?
- Benefit provided in the form of a monthly allowance paid as of and including the month of birth of the child (or as of adoption), and at the latest up to the end of the month in which they reach the age of 16.
- If the child start post-obligatory training before they are 16 (but at least as of the age of 15), the training allowance takes over and replaces child benefit.
- A child who is unable to work due to disability or chronic diagnosed illness is entitled to child benefit up to the month in which they turn 20.
- In the canton of Fribourg, for 2021, the amount is CHF 265 per month for each of the first two children, and CHF 285 per month for each additional child.
- FNS grant recipients receive a child benefit up to the age of 18.
How is the allowance paid?
- For employees, by the employer with the salary; in other cases, directly by the relevant compensation fund.
- Entitlement to the allowance arises and disappears with salary entitlement. Salaries subject to AVS/AI/APG contributions must be at least CHF 597.50 per month.
- For each child betwen 0 and 16.
- Employees, the self-employed and persons without paid activity but with a limited income. For people working in the agricultural field, a special regulation applies.
- When a person is entitled to family allowances in application of Swiss law and their children are resident abroad, there are special rules. In such cases, family allowances are only paid if Switzerland is obliged to do so under an international social security agreement. Such an agreement exists in particular with the European Union (EU) and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA).
- When there is entitlement to benefits for children resident abroad, the child benefit and training allowance are exported; however, the birth and adoption allowances are not.
- For employees, the application must be made to your employer after delivery, and the allowance is paid by the employer at the same time as the salary.
- Contracts at the University of Fribourg: apply to the personnel department via myunifr.
- Grant recipients: apply to the FNS or the institution concerned.
- In all other cases, the application (and payment) is made directly at the compensation fund you are a member of.
- If you change employer, a new application must be made.
You should also know that...
- When a person cannot work because they are ill or have had an accident, allowances are paid in all cases in the month during which the impediment occurred and for the next three months.
- If paid activity starts or ends during the course of a month, the allowance is paid for the employment period.
- Any fact that can affect entitlement to an allowance or its amount, related to family situation (for example, the birth or death of a child, withdrawal from or interruption of an apprenticement or studies, separation or divorce, moving house) or professional situation (for example, one of the parents starting or leaving work, termination of employment relations, start of entitlement to unemployment benefits), must be communicated immediately to the relevant compensation fund for family allowances.
- The employee must inform their employer or the fund of any fact coming to their knowledge that could influence their entitlement to benefits.
Multiple beneficiaries
Only one benefit per child is allowed.
When several persons can claim entitlement to family allowances for the same child under federal or cantonal law, entitlement is recognised with the following order of priority:
- the person in paid employment;
- the person with parental authority or who had parental authority until the child reached adulthood;
- the person at whose house the child lives most of the time or lived until they reached adulthood;
- the person to whom the family allowances scheme in the canton of residence of the child applies;
- the person whose AVS-deductible income from dependent gainful employment is higher;
- the person whose AVS-deductible income from independent gainful employment is higher.
In cases where the family allowances of the first and second beneficiaires are governed by the provisions of two different cantons, the second is entitled to payment of the difference when the legal minimum rate is higher in their own canton than in the other.
Vocational training allowance
What is it?
- Benefit granted in the form of a montly allowance, paid from the month following that in which the child reaches the age of 16 and up until the end of their training (study or apprenticeship), but at least up to the end of the month in which they reach the age of 25.
- If the child starts post-obligatory training before they are 16 (but at least as of the age of 15), training allowance takes over and replaces child benefit.
- If the child is still in obligatory education when they reach the age of 16, training allowance is granted as of the month after they turn 16.
- In the canton of Fribourg, for 2021, the amount is CHF 325 per month for each of the first two children, and CHF 345 per month for each additional child (if you already receive child benefit, CHF 60 is added to that).
- Entitlement to training benefit is withdrawn when the child's own income is higher than the full maximum AVS old-age pension (CHF 2390 per month or CHF 28,680 per year). Adult students or apprentices may ask to have the allowance paid to them personally when they do not receive any maintenance contribution from the beneficiary.
- FNS grant recipients receive a youth training allowance up to the age of 25.
How is the allowance paid?
- For employees, by the employer with the salary; in other cases, directly by the relevant compensation fund.
- Entitlement to the allowance arises and disappears with salary entitlement. Salaries subject to AVS/AI/APG contributions must be at least CHF 597.50 per month.
- For each young person in vocational training between the ages of 16 and 25.
- Employees, the self-employed and persons without paid activity but with a limited income. For people working in the agricultural field, special rules apply.
- If your child leaves Switzerland for training, you will continue to be entitled to family allowances for 5 years, as it is assumed that your child will keep their domicile in Switzerland.
- When a person is entitled to family allowances in application of Swiss law and their children are resident abroad, there are special rules. In such cases, family allowances are only paid if Switzerland is obliged to do so under an international social security agreement. Such an agreement exists in particular with the European Union (EU) and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA).
- When there is an entitlement to benefits for children resident abroad, the child benefit and training allowance are exported; however, the birth and adoption allowances are not.
- Employees must apply to their employer, upon presentation of a training certificate, and the allowance is paid to them at the same time as their salary.
- Contracts at the University of Fribourg: apply to the personnel department via myunifr.
- Grant recipients: apply to the FNS or the institution concerned.
- In all other cases, the application (and payment) is made directly at the compensation fund you are a member of.
- If you change employer, a new application must be made.
You should also know that...
- When a person cannot work because they are ill or have had an accident, allowances are paid in all cases in the month during which the impediment occurred and for the next three months.
- If paid activity starts or ends during the course of a month, the allowance is paid for the employment period.
- Any fact that can affect entitlement to an allowance or its amount, related to family situation (for example, the birth or death of a child, withdrawal from or interruption of an apprenticement or studies, separation or divorce, moving house) or professional situation (for example, one of the parents starting or leaving work, termination of employment relations, start of entitlement to unemployment benefits), must be communicated immediately to the relevant compensation fund for family allowances.
- The employee must inform their employer or the fund of any fact coming to their knowledge that could influence their entitlement to benefits.
Multiple beneficiaries
Only one benefit per child is allowed.
When several persons can claim entitlement to family allowances for the same child under federal or cantonal law, entitlement is recognised with the following order of priority:
- the person in paid employment;
- the person with parental authority or who had parental authority until the child reached adulthood;
- the person at whose house the child lives most of the time or lived until they reached adulthood;
- the person to whom the family allowances scheme in the canton of residence of the child applies;
- the person whose AVS-deductible income from dependent gainful employment is higher;
- the person whose AVS-deductible income from independent gainful employment is higher.
In cases where the family allowances of the first and second beneficiaires are governed by the provisions of two different cantons, the second is entitled to payment of the difference when the legal minimum rate is higher in their own canton than in the other.
Employer's allowance
What is it?
- Benefit granted by the State of Fribourg, in the form of a monthly allowance added to family allowances, of CHF 150 per month for each of the first two children and CHF 75 for each additional child. The exact amount is calculated proportionally to the employment rate of the employee.
- The employer's allowance is paid for each child born as of and including the month of birth but to the end of the month in which the child turns 16, as well as each adopted child within the meaning of the Swiss Civil Code (adoption of the child of a partner does not lead to entitlement to the adoption allowance).
- Entitlement to this allowance is extended to the age of 25 for children in education or who are disabled.
How is the allowance paid?
- By the employer with the salary.
- Employed in the State of Fribourg and paid on a monthly basis.
- Any person employed in the State of Fribourg paid on a monthly basis receives an employer's allowance on demand, including in the case of short-term or part-time work.
- When both parents work for the State of Fribourg or an institution whose salaries are funded by it, this entitlement is divided.
- Applications are made to the personnel department via myunifr.
You should also know that...
- Some private companies also pay an employer's allowance. Find out more at their personnel or human resources department.
Family allowance supplement (French)
Guide supplement by canton (French)